Gifts And Hospitality Form

Please use the below form to report any gifts or hospitality that is given or received, regardless of value. Any suspected fraudulent claims or missed claims will be investigated confidentially and, if found to be proven, will be subject to the company’s disciplinary procedure.
To see what is regarded as a gift or hospitality please view the policy on the IMS or the Rewarding Great People portal.

Examples of Gifts and Hospitality that should be recorded include:

  • Tickets to an event, e.g. concert, football, rugby, or other sporting event
  • A food hamper
  • Bottle of wine or spirit
  • Any gift or hospitality offered to a client or supplier
  • Any item beyond company branded stationary
For further information please refer the Gifts and Hospitality Policy located here

Gift or Hospitality Type *

Select Gift or Hospitality type

Please enter your Full Name (free text) *

Enter your full name

Gift/hospitality received date *

Select the date the gift was received

Gift/hospitality offered date *

Employee Name of individual who received the gift *

Select who the gift has been received by

Employee Name of individual who offered the gift *

Type at least three characters to bring back results

Reason for Gift or Hospitality *

Gift/hospitality description *

Value (£) – please estimate if not known *

Estimate Gift Received value if known

Value (£) – please estimate if not known *

Donated By *

Authorised By *

What happened to the gift – Accepted, declined or given away *

What happened to the gift. eg: Accepted bottle of wine

Client or recipient name (please give full details if external) *

Recipient of Gifts or Hospitality *

Submit Form